Premises Liability Law2018-08-27T17:56:46+00:00

Premises Liability Law

Ranson Law Offices is a leader in the practice of premises liability law. We are dedicated to helping people who suffer injuries caused by a dangerous condition on property. Ranson Law Offices has recovered millions of dollars in compensation from negligent property owners in West Virginia.

Premises liability provides legal recourse to people who are injured on property. Property owners owe a duty to exercise reasonable care in maintaining the premises. The property can be a home, apartment, store, or even an empty lot. Invitees may include workers, shoppers, and other guests who are on the property for any legal reason. In order to fulfill their legal duty to invitees, owners must keep the premises clear of dangerous conditions and perform necessary repairs.

Examples of dangerous conditions on property that give rise to legal liability include:

  • Vicious pets
  • Uneven steps
  • Slippery floors
  • Loose handrails
  • Lead paint
  • Broken locks
  • Dark passageways
  • Inadequate security
  • Exposure to toxic substances
  • Criminal acts by third parties

Premises liability claims generally allege that the landlord or other party in control of the premises was negligent by failing to prevent or repair a dangerous condition that caused the claimant’s injury. This duty applies to landlords who have a duty to protect their tenants from unreasonable harm. This may require them to fix broken stairs or unlit common areas that cause the tenants to trip. Stores have a similar responsibility to clean up spills and block wet areas where customers are likely to slip and fall. These accidents can result in cuts, fractures, broken bones, and even death.

Ranson Law Offices has extensive experience investigating animal attacks, slip-and-fall accidents, inadequate security cases and other cases where injuries or deaths are caused by a property owner’s negligence. At Ranson Law Offices, winning is our business and we will provide you with the best personal legal representation possible.

Ranson Law Results

Settlement for workers who were injured after being directed by employer to walk on air supported structure without fall protection

Settlement for a worker whose spine was injured after he was kicked in the back by his supervisor who was engaging in horseplay

Multi-Million Dollar verdict with major aluminum manufacturer for a worker who was seriously injured after lock out/tag out was disconnected by employer

Settlement against major waste management company for serious injury to hand of garbage worker who was deliberately exposed to dangerous pinch point created by his employer

Settlement for burn to eyes of operator when pressure blew shooting dangerous chemicals into the workers eyes after employer failed to obtain a line/equipment opening permit

Settlement with three major utility companies for a 12-year old boy who while riding his bicycle suffered an extensive leg injury after striking unmarked utility lines

Settlement for injury to factory worker who was struck in the head by a malfunctioning arm in a machine after employer removed lockout/tagout